Rate Schedules

Rate Schedules

The University of Illinois System’s Facilities and Administrative (F&A) Rates and Fringe Benefit Rates are calculated and established through negotiations with the Federal Government. Tuition Remission rates are also calculated by U of I System but are not required to be negotiated with the Federal Government.

These rates are for use on grants, contracts and/or other agreements issued or awarded to the University of Illinois System by all funding agencies, in accordance with the provisions and cost principles mandated by Federal 2 CFR Part 200. These rates are to be used for forward pricing and billing purposes.

To identify F&A, fringe benefit, and tuition remission rates related to your university’s sponsored projects, click on the appropriate link below:

Final Facilities/Administrative (F&A) Rates

FY25 Fringe Benefit Rates take effect for pay periods BW16 and MN8.

At the time of the rate proposal submission for FY25, a larger increase in the Health, Life, and Dental (HLD) portion of the fringe benefit rate was expected based on available information. During rate negotiations, more current information was available which resulted in a lower HLD rate negotiated with the Federal government.  

Final Facilities/Administrative (F&A) Rates

Current and historical Urbana rate documents are in the “UIUC” section at the following link:

Current & Historical Rate Schedules

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