Travel Portal Instructions
Instructions for Entering a Travel Portal Request
Following are the EBSC travel team's step-by-step instructions on entering and submitting a new travel portal request.
My Travel Requests View
When you log in the screen should resemble the following image, and the page will list the travel requests you have submitted and their status.
Submitting a Travel Request
To place an order, click the Create Request button from your ‘My Travel Requests’ view. Then, follow each step listed below.
Step 1: Entering your Personal Information
Select the appropriate radio button for the request Type.
Fill in the Traveler Information info with your Net ID, Phone Number, and Work Category.
Enter your Supervisor's NetID, and then click Continue.
Step 2: Entering the Absence Information
Select the appropriate check box for the Category of Absence.
Update the Begin Date and End Date for your travel request.
We require a qualifying business purpose for the Description of Absence/Purpose of Travel. Simply stating 'attending the ***** Conference' will not suffice. Please provide the following details in your description:
- What: Provide the full name and description of the event. If the event name is abbreviated, please expand it.
- When: Specify the dates of the actual conference, not your travel dates.
- Where: Include the location of the event.
- Why: Explain how attending this event benefits the University.
Once your details are added click Continue.
Step 3: Entering the Destination
Enter the exact location of the event. Please include the Place, City, State/Province, and Country.
Select Yes or No if you require the Travel team to assist with payment of allowable expenses.
- Note: This form will not be automatically routed to the Travel team. After your travel request is approved, please send an email to to request payment assistance.
Upload any supporting documents such as conference flyers providing event details, flight options showing estimated costs, maps with mileage if driving, etc.
If you require assistance with travel arrangements such as airfare and lodging, click the Add Travel Details link to include your travel details. Please Note, the following can be purchased for you:
- Airfare: You will make the arrangements and your Support Staff will pay with the Departmental Travel Card.
- Hotels: You will make the arrangements and your Support Staff will pay with the Departmental Travel Card.
- Registration: Please contact your Support Staff.
Once you have entered your destination information, click Continue.
Step 4: Entering the Reimbursement Information
If your absence will involve costs to the University, you must complete this section.
Select Yes or No if you will pay for travel expenses and expect reimbursement from the University. This includes per diem, ground transportation (e.g., taxis), airfare, baggage fees, etc.
- If you select Yes, you must enter the estimated cost of the trip in this field.
- If you select No, the Step 5: Accounts section will be skipped.
Select 'Yes' or 'No" if you will receive a travel grant from the event organization.
If a Cash Advance is required, please review the policy before selecting Yes.
Bus Fin 15.1.1: Cash Advance for Travel Policy
Once you have entered your reimbursement information, click Continue.
Step 5: Entering the Account Information
If you selected Yes in section 4, you will pay for travel expenses and expect reimbursement from the University, please enter the appropriate CFOP(s) and click Add. You can click on the View Accounts button to view the CFOPs you are assigned as a user and/or have previously used. Only the Chart, Fund, Organization, and Program fields are required. But, if your department uses Activity codes, please be sure to enter them here as well.
Once you have entered your appropriate CFOP(s), click Continue.
Step 6: Entering Teaching Assignment Conflicts
Please enter any classes that you will miss while away according to your teaching assignments recorded in Banner. If you do not have any conflicts, please make a note of it in the Comment Box.
Once you have entered your teaching conflicts, click Continue.
You may be asked to select the Business Office where the travel request will be processed, please select the appropriate option from the drop-down. Please make sure you select the RIGHT department where this request will be routed.
Review all sections of your order request: Personal Information, Absence Information, Reimbursement Details, Destination, Travel Details, Documents and Materials, Account Information, Teaching Assignments and any Further Conflicts. If any section needs any adjusting, you can click the Revisit button for that section.
Once you have reviewed the information regarding your travel, you can then Submit Request.
Upon submitting your travel request, you will be directed back to your Travel Requests page.
Please check your request periodically to make sure that it has been approved and is not waiting in the pending queue. Email your PI or one of the approvers listed if your order has not been approved after a few days.
Step 9: Reviewing your Travel Requests & Status
From your Travel Requests page, you can view all of your submitted requests and their status. You can also view and cancel any of your requests from this page as well.
Once the travel request has been approved, you will receive an email with the subject line 'Travel Request Approved'.
If you require payment assistance, please send an email to after your travel request is approved.