Rush Requests

Rush Requests

In some situations, an order request may need to be rushed. To rush an order request, you must provide a valid rush justification following the University Purchasing guidelines.

Valid rush justifications per University Purchasing are as follows:

“Threat to public health or public safety; immediate expenditure is needed for repairs to university property in order to protect against further loss or damage; preventing or minimizing serious disruption in critical university services which affect health, safety, or collection of substantial revenues, or ensuring the integrity of university records. Rushes due to failure of submitting in a timely manner do not constitute as a priority.”

To request a rush on your purchasing portal order, please email your Dept Purchasing Team Member to let them know about the order and include your rush justification. Your rush justification should follow the University Purchasing guidelines as listed above, including the who, what, when, where, and why this needs to be rushed.

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