Grants & Contracts Team Directory

Grants & Contracts Team Contact Information by Department

Department Primary Responsible Person(s) Backup Person(s)
Aerospace Engineering
(Geoff is the primary rep for Baur, Eggl, Mehr, Tran, Woollands, and Wroblewski)

Andrea Vogel


Geoff Dehler


Applied Research Institute

Geoff Dehler


Stevie Bohlen



Heidi Thiele


Geoff Dehler


Missy Beck-LeFaivre


Missy Beck-LeFaivre


Andrea Vogel


Geoff Dehler


Engineering Administration (GCOE)

Geoff Dehler


Missy Beck-LeFaivre


Industrial and Enterprise Systems Engineering 

Heidi Thiele


Stevie Bohlen


Holonyak Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory 

Stevie Bohlen


Missy Beck-LeFaivre


Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering

Missy Beck-LeFaivre


Andrea Vogel


Siebel Center for Design

Andrea Vogel


Stevie Bohlen


Technology Entrepreneur Center

Geoff Dehler


Stevie Bohlen


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